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vending machines

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Japanese vending machine

There are many vending machines in Japan. Most popular one is drink vending machine. About one year ago it has been installed close to my house. It is a place from my house to about 100m. It has sold water, Japanese green tea, Pepsi, oshiruko, other many Japanese drinks. During the winter it has sold cold and hot one and when become warm season it will change all cold. There are many type of vending machine. The machine which near my house is a little discount one. Usually it has sold in 130yen ($1.08) but this is sold 100yen or 110yen ($0.83-$0.91). There are sold can and pet bottled drink. We can buy to insert coin and put the button. Some machine could buy in bill. In Japanese bill 1000yen.

In the station of big city like Tokyo, there are interesting vending machine. Usually the drink sample are displayed in the machine. But in the big station one is made by all touch panel. There are images of drink and when you want to buy you have to touch them. This type is new so I have not bought yet. I confused to buy them as I am Japanese. It is difficult to buy I think.

There are other interesting vending machines in Japan. There are sold insect of fishing bait near the sea fishing area. Fishermen buy the bait because fishing is early morning. It is not popular rare one.

About 10 years ago, there are many vending machine of cigarette in Japan. Everyone could bought cigarette from vending machine. Low has changed and it is need dedicated card to buy cigarette now. So vending machine of cigarette has decreased and people became buy cigarette at the convenience store.

There are many interesting vending machines in the parking area of the highway. The coffee which auto grinded the beans and extracted is very exciting. There is a monitor and you can see the process to completion. You also enjoy the music. This machine is very difficult to buy for foreigner maybe because there are many difficult button. To choice coffee size and you can adjust the amount of sugar and milk. There are about 20 button in front of the machine.

Where the office I had worked there was a vending machine of cup noodle. We can buy cup noodle and also put the hot water from the machine. There is chopsticks in the vending machine. It is very interesting to foreigners but it is difficult to see in the city. It is only set in the rest area of old office.

If you come to Japan, please enjoy Japanese vending machines.

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